情緒影響一個人的健康及思考判斷、生活質素和工作表現. 因此如何處理情緒,便影響孩童長大後能否成功及幸福地生活。









家長乙如此處理孩子的情緒便給孩子學到自己可以 體驗自己的情緒而不需要抑壓真正的感受,在這種環境長大的孩童身心健康也比較有保障。




心理學家樂曼安德信(Norman B. Anderson)在研究人的情緒後得出結論,人一生漫長旅程中,少不免會遭遇挫折及挑戰,這些遭遇會使我們出現恐懼,憂鬱及憤怒等負面情緒,影響人們的生活及工作,如果能好好從小預防,學會如何處理負面情緒,人生的幸福才會有保障。

Our personal characteristics play a major role in our overall happiness. Research has suggested that as much as 25% of what makes us happy in life derives from things such as flexibility, our outlook on life and resilience. Hardy people tend to bounce back from setbacks and remain positive. Some of our characteristics we inherit, but there is a great deal you can do to instil healthy characteristics within you. Personal development can help you to improve your emotional wellbeing. You should get into the habit of questioning unhelpful and unhealthy thought patterns.
People manage their emotions in various ways; for instance, some people like to bottle things up on side whereas others prefer to explode at the slightest provocation. Where do you think you fit on the emotional management spectrum? If you are sitting at either of the two extremes, you are allowing yourself to be managed by your emotions not the other way round. Since it can be very hard to judge yourself objectively, you should think of different scenarios and imagine your reaction to them.
We all have a personal emotional spectrum that makes us capable of being interesting, unique characters, for that reason you should not think of emotional management as a form of brainwashing. However, what it does entail is managing responses that are negative or violent in nature. People who react violently to any provocation do so because they are lacking in emotional maturity. If you go off the rails at people for no reason, the chances are that you are only able to see the world in straight lines.
People who are excessively angry at minor provocation are lacking in perspective. Rather than seeing a problem as an irritant, they become enraged at any situation. This type of behaviour is unnecessary and destructive. An individual who acts in this way is unable to make specific observations about their feelings. They are often rash and impulsive towards other people. If you are somebody who suffers from severe anger issues, you should really consider getting professional help.
Of course, not all emotional problems are quite as extreme as anger problems, but there are still things we can learn from anger management theory. Anger management tries to get the individual to see in degrees of emotion instead of extremes. An anger management expert will try to instil an emotional spectrum in the individual – encouraging behaviours that are in proportion to the event. In many cases, someone with anger issues are often angry about themselves. They may, for example, be annoyed at their own personal shortcomings. This rage then manifests itself as an external projection on to other people. Treating anger often involves encouraging an individual to love who they are.
Being able to meet the situation with an appropriate response, is the main reason why being able to specify what yourare feeling is so important. For instance, are you angry at that person because you are upset or because you are jealous about something to do with that individual? The clearer you can be in identifying a problem will produce a more accurate response to it. The thing is, identifying an emotion can be tricky to those unaccustomed to it. For a bit of fun, try the following exercise.
Get a pen and paper and write down as many positive emotions you can think of. Next to each emotion, write down a time you have felt it and what physical feeling it gave you. Now do the same thing with negative emotions on a separate piece of paper. You should include experiences such as muscle tension, nausea and butterflies in your stomach.
Now relive the positive emotional experience. To do this, focus on one of the memories that gave you a positive experience. As you do this, notice how the physical sensation returns. Notice how swiftly you can begin to affect real physical changes in your body.
The power of the mind should never be underestimated by any one. This little demonstration shows how easy it is for us to create physical sensations just with the power of thought. Of course, imagining an emotion is just half the solution; expressing them in a meaningful way is the next problem you need to work on. However, the fact that you are already taking steps in the right direction is a positive thing. You should now think about moving on to the next stage to fully manage your emotions.

Author Description :

Andrew James offers a no cost video showing you step-by-step how to overcome negative thinking patterns. please visit www.stopthenegativewaves.com

狂刺妻200 電器工墮樓亡

(星島)2010年12月22日 星期三 05:30


(星島日報 報道)人間悲劇莫過於此!一對恩愛夫妻,疑丈夫有工作壓力兼受工傷困擾,壓力「爆煲」下精神失常,昨晨在北角寓所起床,翻轉仍在熟睡的妻子,騎在妻背舉餐刀狂刺二百刀,妻子詐死逃過一劫,丈夫以為殺人,由十八樓攀窗跳下當場慘死。妻子雖得以保命,但目睹丈夫跳樓身亡,傷心欲絕。

吳志豪 楊偉亨









警員其後到陳的住所查問,拍門良久無反應,破門入內,赫見陳妻背部滿是血洞,倒伏在染滿鮮血的床上,急忙召救護員替她包紮及送往東區醫院 ,廖女送院時情緒激動,目前情況嚴重。



